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Can ChatGPT Fact-check? We Tested


Can ChatGPT Fact-check? We Tested 

Basin, it gathered all the correct data but performed incorrect math, resulting in the opposite conclusion. In two different cases, it was totally ignorant about 10 years old regulation prohibiting entire milk in schools, and couldn't track down proof of a measurement about glut passings in spite of refering to the specific review the measurement was from.

The chatbot's tendency to "hallucinate," in which it cites books, events, and articles that never existed, was a concern raised by a number of experts.

"One major flaw of ChatGPT is that it doesn't know when it doesn't know something," said Mike Caulfield, research researcher at the College of Washington's Middle for an Educated Public. " Therefore, it will simply fabricate events.

ChatGPT is not yet trustworthy or accurate enough to be used as a fact-checker, according to all of the experts. Although the technology is getting better, Corney said that getting an AI to reliably determine or recognize the truth is "extremely challenging." Fluency and relevance are being worked on by current research, but accuracy remains a mystery.

Adair stated, "They are going to get better, and we are going to see fewer mistakes." In any case, I believe we're still far away from generative man-made intelligence being a reliable truth checker."

Corney said Full Reality's engineers are dealing with an assortment of simulated intelligence devices that translate and dissect news reports, online entertainment presents and government records on help truth checkers distinguish claims that may be ready for reality checking. The tool might look for matches between claims that have already been checked against the facts in that scenario. It could also try to compare official figures to statistical claims.

Different gatherings, for example, the Duke Columnists' Lab and Neumann are leading examination on how reality checkers can integrate computer based intelligence as a reality checking support device. " Neumann asserted, "I think it has a lot of potential, such as possibly prioritizing certain misinformation for fact checking by fact checkers."

According to Caulfield, this technology works best when used by a person who can assess the accuracy of the output.

"Unless you already know the answer to the question, it's hard to know when ChatGPT can be relied on!" Corney said. However, he is concerned that ChatGPT's confident response may easily mislead the general public, who may not be familiar with the subject at hand.

Furthermore, Caulfield assures that fact-checkers will still be in demand even as AI advances. The only reason ChatGPT is aware of anything is because someone discovered it and reported it, he stated. Thus, you can't actually supplant truth checkers."


Click here to view all of ChatGPT's responses to our questions.

PolitiFact, which is a division of the Poynter Institute, was the first publication of this fact check. This fact check's sources can be found here.



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