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Stress is extremely depressing!


My immune system is suffering as a result of stress. It seems that changing jobs, moving, and getting married are three of the top five most stressful things on the list. 

The strange thing is that my body knew I was stressed before I even realized it. Since I tend to go with the flow and be happy most of the time, I didn't realize I was stressed until my body started reacting to it. I literally started getting sick.

 I felt awfully bad and developed a fever blister on my lip. Like this: As we looked for houses in the car, I could literally feel myself getting sicker. Although I'm typically a "suck it up and stop your whining" kind of girl, my body refused to follow my mind. 

Very disheartening! So I began learning about this stuff and stress is an executioner and assaults your body and I'm effectively dealing with carving out an unwinding opportunity to stop this insane pattern of becoming ill and feeling terrible. 

Last night, I took a bubble bath, and I'm making sure I eat regularly and get more sleep. I'm angry that this got away from me in some way and caused me stress without even realizing it. Because I'm pretty sure stress despises laughter, I laughed out loud when I read some jokes today.

 Yoga classes one week from now and a lot of liquids. Perhaps some tea? I'm not sure. Any advice on how to deal with stress when you weren't even aware you had it? HELP

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